Dear Church Family
We will be serving the homeless at Firehouse Shelter on February 11th @ 3:45 pm as part of our 2nd Sunday Firehouse meals ministry. We need food for about 70+ people. This will be our traditional Lasagna menu.
If you donate food it must be in the food warmer or the church kitchen by 3:15 pm Sunday, or you may bring it to the Firehouse shelter (626 2nd Ave North) by 3:45pm. I will pick up food from the church by 3:30. We also need about eight people to help serve food.

* 8 Lasagnas – 12 servings ea
* Corn for ~70 (3 large cans @ 22 servings each)
* Turnip Greens for ~70 (4 large cans @ 21 servings each)
* Dessert (8 dozen) Can be brownies or something else
* 8 people serving

Please leave a comment below about the food you can commit to donate

Ken Gunnells